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woensdag 30 januari 2008

Centraal tellen is verkeerd tellen

De Amerikaanse Burger Unie ACLU heeft de rechter verzocht om een verkiezing te verhinderen waarin met papier en potlood wordt gestemd omdat de telling centraal is geregeld. Zo centraal dat niet iedereen de gelegenheid heeft om eventuele fouten te herstellen.

Cuyahoga County, which includes Cleveland and has more than 1 million registered voters, plans to send all paper ballots from precincts to a central location to be scanned and counted.

The ACLU alleges that the optical-scan system and centralized vote tabulation would not give voters notice of ballot errors — such as voting for two candidates for one office.

Opponents of the system say scanning should be done immediately at the precinct level to alert voters to such errors and allow them to correct invalid ballots.

Zie: ACLU Sues Over Paper Ballots in Ohio

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